

JANUARY 14, 2024


This is Amazing Grace, We Give Thanks, What A Friend We Have in Jesus, The Lord’s Prayer (It’s Yours), Here in Your Presence


What’s the top 5 items in your shopping or grocery list today?


MATTHEW 6:11-13

11 ‘Give us this day our daily bread.
12 ‘And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 ‘And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. [For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.’]

Part 1 of “The Lord’s Prayer” reminds us of the importance of VERTICAL alignment – focusing on God. If we’re not happy in the Lord, we will not be happy in our HORIZONTAL relationships and goals. The transition from the first to the second part is this crucial line – YOUR WILL BE DONE. There are three ways to pray this line – one, with resignation, because there’s no choice; second, in anger or frustration, and third, with delight and joy. When you learn how to pray, you will delight in doing God’s will! If we keep insisting on our will, we show that we don’t understand that God knows better, and His will is better for us. He is our Heavenly Father, He knows what is best for us!


After praying for God’s will to be done, Jesus then instructs we pray for our needs (Matthew 6:11-13).



Daily (v.11) comes from the Greek EPIOUSIOS – asking God to supply specifically the need for the coming day. God cares for our present and future needs. He promised to meet our needs! Stop worrying – our Heavenly Father knows what we need (Matthew 6:31-34). We should pray as we live day by day. God owns everything. Let’s seek first God’s kingdom – He will take care of the rest.


This concept of “daily bread” has a historical background in Exodus 16 (vv.4-5, 20-21, 29-30). God rescued His people out of Egypt and gave them manna daily for food, along with some specific instructions that the people disobeyed! We should work for provisions for ourselves (2 Thessalonians 3:10, 12), but like the Israelites, we also tend to put our confidence on the gift, and not on the giver, God Himself. Trusting God to provide our needs should be day by day! We are to fully depend on God even when provisions come our way, we have what we need, and not to become proud (Deuteronomy 8:12-14)! Remember, everything we have is from God!



Most of us think we are good enough. We don’t always realize how sinful we are. There are obvious sins that many of us may be free from, but the problem is our tolerated sins – greed, gossiping, unforgiveness, not keeping our word, critical spirit, unloving, materialism, pride, and selfishness…We all need forgiveness (Matthew 6:12)! We treat sin lightly because we have no idea how holy God is. Jesus says that we are going to be judged even by the words we say (Matthew 12:36-37)!


Three examples of men who understood their sinfulness in contrast to the holiness of God are: Isaiah, who never knew his sin, until he encountered God in a vision, and arrived at the conclusion that he is “ruined”, because he saw the HOLINESS of God that contrasted greatly to his own sinfulness (Isaiah 6:1-5). Peter recognized his sin when he encountered Jesus and said “go away from me… I am a sinful man”. The Apostle Paul described himself as “the chief of sinners”. Like them, we all need forgiveness!


Based on God’s A feeling
forgiveness in Christ Based on what is “fair”
Command Suggestion
Supernatural – Holy Spirit Natural
Unconditional Conditional


In Jesus’ example of prayer, to forgive and to be forgiven are linked (Matthew 6:12,14-15). Divine forgiveness and human forgiveness are inseparable.


Jesus gives an example in Matthew 18 about forgiveness – a parable of a king who wanted to settle accounts with his slave (vv.21-35) who begged him for mercy. The king, moved with compassion, forgave the slave who owed a whopping 10,000 talents! But when this slave met a fellow slave who owed him a hundred denarii, he choked that person in rage and put him in jail. The king found this out, rebuked the slave, who has been forgiven for so much, but who couldn’t forgive someone else who owed him a much lesser value! This slave was handed over to the torturers. That is an imagery of our own condition. We must forgive others from the heart. This is supernatural – we need the Holy Spirit to empower us to do this. Even as we pray, we must choose to forgive, and God would not forgive us if we don’t forgive others (Mark 11:25-26)! What is true forgiveness?


Ephesians 4:30-32 tells us not to grieve the Holy Spirit, and choose to be kind, to forgive, and let go of all bitterness, etc.


The basis of our forgiveness is that God in Christ also has forgiven us! Not to forgive is living in sin if we are indeed followers of Christ.



Matthew 6:13 is a prayer for protection. “Do not lead us into temptation” is a preventive prayer. Temptation is the word PEIRASMOS, and it can also mean trials (James 1:2-4,13-14). The context of this verse is that trials are meant to make us stronger as it produces endurance. The same word is used as “tempted” – but it is not God leading us to sin! The end of that prayer is to “deliver us from the evil one” (NKJV). God is telling us to learn to pray in humility. The best way to overcome temptation is to prepare us. Run away from it, flee, and avoid the temptations. Peter wrote in 1 Peter 5:8 to be alert against attacks of the devil. Jesus in His prayer for Peter (Luke 22:31-32) showcased how important this was. Jesus commanded His disciples to pray to overcome temptations (Matthew 26:41-42). Peter failed the first test – he denied Jesus. But he passed the final exam because Jesus prayed for him – that when he has repented and returned, he is to strengthen others. Jesus met Peter at the shores of Galilee and provided a great picture of forgiveness and restoration (John 21:15-18). That’s why Peter wrote letters that contain the reality of both the testing and trial from the enemy as well as the sure victory in Jesus Christ alone (1 Peter 4:12-13)!


May we all truly surrender to God through PRAYER!


(Leaders: Please choose questions that are appropriate to the level of spiritual maturity of your members)

1. Self-Check.

What do you know about who God is? How does this help you in your prayer life?

2. Setting It Right.

Why do we ask for daily needs from God, not monthly or annual?

3. Living It Out

Why do you need to ask for forgiveness and why do you need to forgive?


Why do you need to pray that God will not lead you into trials?


Pray for the many needs of people that you see around you. Begin with their spiritual need to be reconciled to God through Jesus. Pray for their physical needs as well and be part of the answer to prayer by sharing to them what God has provided for you—including the gospel.


I. Thanksgiving

• Worship God for who He is, what He has done, and what He will do in our lives.

II. Country and the World

• Upright and moral governance of public servants; repentance and salvation for government leaders and citizens for a Christ-centered Philippines.

• God’s help and comfort, salvation for Israel, wisdom for their leaders in government, military and their soldiers as they defend themselves against terrorists’ attacks. PRAISE GOD for the release of hostages so far! Continue to pray for the release of the remaining ones.

• War in Ukraine to end, loss of lives prevented; conflict in African, East Asian and Middle East countries to stop.

• Pray for Christians from different countries who have been persecuted, attacked and killed in recent weeks.

III. Church

• CCFers would honor and love God and make disciples.

• Elders, pastors, dleaders, and families (holy, humble, harmonious, happy, heart-working).

• Ministries and churches expansion worldwide.

IV. CCF Facilities

• Worship and Training Center

• Prayer Mountain

V. Personal Concerns

• Deeper intimate relationship with God.

• Righteous living.

• Salvation of family and friends.

Memory verse

MATTHEW 6:11-13

11 ‘Give us this day our daily bread. 12 ‘And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 13 ‘And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. [For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.’]
